1. 2 Chinese cabbages
2. 5-10 spring onions
3. Sea salt (100 g)
4. 4 heaped tablespoons (Korean chili powder)
5. 2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
6. 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, any kind
7. Tablespoonful kim chi sauce (if available)
8. Ginger (5 g) (crushed)
9. Half an onion (optional)
Steps to make KimChi
1. Place the cabbage in a clean plastic bag or equivalent and sprinkle salt over each layer. The best kind of salt is sea salt, although non-iodized table salt will do.
2. Press the leaves in your hand to squeeze as much water out of them as possible. Once finished, tie up the bag and set it aside for 5-6 hours. Check it after three hours to ensure that everything is all right
3. Take the cabbage out of the salt solution and rinse it if necessary. Add the spring onions, crushed garlic and ginger in a press and mix in.
4. Add kim chi sauce. This is the only ingredient that you can’t always buy at a non-Korean supermarket. You only need one tablespoonful — that’s 15 milliliters. This bottle contains 500 ml.
5. Add the chili powder. Add two tablespoonfuls of sugar.
6. Mash the chili powder into the leaves as you did in much the same way with the salt.
7. Put the containers aside for three or four days in a cool location. No snacking. After that, store it in the refrigerator.
8. Finally the kim chi is ready. You can eat it as is, or use it in your favorite Korean recipes. If you don’t have a favorite Korean recipe, get one. Like I say, it makes a great stir fry.
9. You can add all sorts of things to the mix. The most common additional ingredients include 50-100 g of finely shredded salted fish, scallops, or oysters.
Hey fiends, if you succeed making KimChi, don't forget to invite me !!!
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