Monday, November 21, 2005

A Trip to Seoul

Yonsei University

I went to YN in the afternoon after taking the subway and had a short walk. It was a sunny day. The campus is so big then I dicided to walk around as quick as I could. I met several nice persons. I took a lot of pictures there. In my opinion this is the most beautiful campus I've ever visited

Seoul National University

It's the most famous university in Korea but it's not as beautiful as I first thought. Not much impression.
Sogang University
Konkuk University

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Tuan 111 - Thang 3-1 - Tinh hinh tai tro

Sau ky nghi 30-4, F Club quay lai san Y da tran thu 111 voi Zamil. Day la ngay CN nong nuc nhung F Club co den hon 10 cau thu ra san. Day la...