Monday, November 21, 2005

피곤하지만 재미없어요 ^^ Wrong but Funny

Last three weeks I went to Jeju island. I was so tired and bored. When I was walking with my feind, I made a slip on my tongue: "피곤하지만 재미없어요" (that means: "I'm tired and it's so boring") and my feind bursted to laugh. Actually it should be "피곤하지만 재미있어요" but the meaning is "I'm tired but it's interesting". The grammar of the former sentence is wrong but I like it because it reflects my feeling pretty well. So far some of my feinds have accustomed to that expression and they like it.

Hehe, Wrong but Funny

Further more, have you ever heard of this expression: "고구마워!"
That means: "Thanks" but in different way:

고구마워=고구마+고마워 (sweet potato + thanks)


Anonymous said...

고구마워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's funny ㅋㅋㅋ
I like sweet potato ~~ very very much!! ^_^ ㅋㅋㅋ

your Korean is not correct but fine, good and 훌륭해요 ㅎㅎ

Thanks for visiting my homepage^_^

If My English were fine, I could write my thought more.. ㅠ_ㅠ I need study English hard hard hard~~ hmm;; I'm not sure about My English, too ㅎㅎ

bye bye,, See you ~~ ^____^

Anonymous said...

When will you come to seoul??
I don't understand 이일여일 <-;;
hmm.. sorry... I'm not sure I will be able to meet you -_-;; Thesedays, Final exam..ㅠ_ㅠ

Anonymous said...

Cau dnag hoc gi ben ay the CuGoiLa?

cafe-rock mem,

41X4 said...

To dang hoc nganh xay dung. Co ai hoc DHXD ko?

Cam on cafe-rock mem da quan tam.

Tuan 111 - Thang 3-1 - Tinh hinh tai tro

Sau ky nghi 30-4, F Club quay lai san Y da tran thu 111 voi Zamil. Day la ngay CN nong nuc nhung F Club co den hon 10 cau thu ra san. Day la...